A month before a new Populista Winter Triangle
- BRPOP 14: Barbara Kinga Majewska and Emilia Sitarz play Franz Schubert Winterreise
- BRPOP 15: Richard Youngs plays Parallel Winter
- BRPOP 16: Joanna Halszka Sokołowska plays Franz Schubert Winterreise
Official release date: 25/01/2016
Release and pre-release parties
Release and pre-release parties
21/12/2015, Komuna// Warszawa, 19.00: pre-release performance by Joanna Halszka Sokołowska, Izabela Chlewińska, Michał Libera and others (please note: 17 hand made and signed albums containing pre-release material of "Joanna Halszka Sokołowska plays Franz Schubert Winterreise" - available for sale)
21-28/12/2015, XS, 7 hand made and signed albums containing pre-release material of "Joanna Halszka Sokołowska plays Franz Schubert Winterreise" - available for sale
22/12/2015, Copenhagen, concert: Richard Youngs plays Parallel Winter
25/01/2016, DZiK, 20.00, concert: Barbara Kinga Majewska and Emilia Sitarz play Franz Schubert Winterreise, official release party, day 1
26/01/2016, Królikarnia, 19.00, concert: Joanna Halszka Sokołowska plays Franz Schubert Winterreise, official release party, day 2
26/01/2016, Eufemia, 21.30, DJ set: Michał Libera plays Winter Music, DJ set, incl. B-sides and unreleased material of new Winterreises in Populista
22/12/2015, Copenhagen, concert: Richard Youngs plays Parallel Winter
25/01/2016, DZiK, 20.00, concert: Barbara Kinga Majewska and Emilia Sitarz play Franz Schubert Winterreise, official release party, day 1
26/01/2016, Królikarnia, 19.00, concert: Joanna Halszka Sokołowska plays Franz Schubert Winterreise, official release party, day 2
26/01/2016, Eufemia, 21.30, DJ set: Michał Libera plays Winter Music, DJ set, incl. B-sides and unreleased material of new Winterreises in Populista
Motto to the upcoming Populista Winter Triangle came about on 13th of December 2014.
It was cold and windy, a typical Warsaw-style pre-winter day, wet, transparent and grey, well, mostly grey, and also the day of Richard Youngs' concert in Komuna// Warszawa at Playback Play. Almost by accident, there was a piano in the room which made Richard propose to perform "Parallel Winter" which I didn't know anything about. When introducing the piece to the audience a couple of hours later, he mentioned playing it only few times before that day. It takes something between 15 and 45 minutes to perform, I remember him saying, because there are as many lines of the text as there are winter days. So it is all about going through the piece, I still recall his voice, not unlike going through winter.
I have never heard a better introduction to Winterreise by Franz Schubert.